Descriptifs des cours à l'ESSEC



Synonymous of change and evolution, innovation has always been observed from afar, like an animal needing to be tamed, with both attraction and distrust. It has always been apprehended with both the eagerness to discover, combined with the fear of what is not yet known. This dichotomy is also reflected in the acceptance process of innovations, a learning curve companies are familiar with and have learnt to manage so as to avoid rejection. However, this dichotomy has never really prevented innovation, and significant developments offered during the 20th century are the living proof of that.

For some years, innovation has been experiencing a new phase, it has become inherently suspect. The history of innovation is directly linked to our ambition to always go further, for survival or simply for our own comfort. The concerns innovations entailed were outweighed by the significant benefit they added. The reason innovation has become suspect, is that its contributions are questioned with regards to their consequences, thanks to a more significant civil understanding than in the past of what is at stake. There are two main reasons for this. The first is linked to the knowledge of the importance of protecting the environment. The second is linked to exponential scientific and technical discoveries. Whether we are talking about cloning, genetic modification, or mobile phones or the Internet, the question no longer lies in our ability to do something, but our duty to do something, which in turn poses the problem of human values that are at risk of being modified.



Qu’impliquent comme enjeux les considérables avancées techniques, technologiques, scientifiques ainsi que les idéologies qui, ensemble, nous promettent de transcender l’humain d’une manière ou d’une autre :

1. Comprendre sur le plan théorique, et s’approprier personnellement sur la base d’exemples concrets, les notions et les enjeux historiques, économiques et philosophiques du transhumanisme.

2. Comprendre et s’approprier également les termes de progrès / innovation / développement en contrepoint d’une compréhension approfondie des sciences et des techniques.

3. Prendre conscience du rôle en pratique et de la responsabilité éthique de chacun dans ce contexte de l’évolution de l’espèce humaine.

4. Savoir s’orienter dans un contexte de frontières – de plus en plus ? – poreuses entre développement humain individuel et croissance collective des organisations.

5. Etre capable de se poser les questions pertinentes et de contribuer pour soi-même et pour son environnement à un questionnement spécifique de notre temps sur la base d’un débat ouvert, « sans tabou », clair et approfondi, pour et contre le « transhumanisme » afin de dépasser, à l’issue, l’opposition pour savoir à titre personnel comme eu égard à la vie sociale, comment se comporter par rapport à ces questions.

6. Acquérir les outils pour gérer au mieux et concrètement, selon son propre point de vue, avec pertinence le rapport entre contrôle et non contrôle ou écoute de la réalité et de l’expérience.

7. Comprendre le transhumanisme pour les organisations, à la fois comme opportunité (nouveaux business model, produits, services) et comme menace (quid du salarié de demain ?).

- DEVH31200 Philosophie et stratégie pour l’innovation responsable


Pour le descriptif de cours, veuillez consulter le cours équivalent  DEVH31201 (ci-dessous).

- DEVH31201 Philosophy and Strategy of Responsible


Innovation is everywhere

“The only way you survive is you continuously transform into something else. It’s this idea of continuous transformation that makes you an innovation company." Virginia Rometty, CEO IBM

Throughout the second half of the 20th century and into the beginning of the current one, we have witnessed profound technological, social and political changes that have changed the environment in which people and organizations operate. Astonishing progress in all scientific and human disciplines has occurred, and these changes have introduced new paradigms that have necessitated new business models and new ways of running and managing organizations. The impact of these changes is increasingly rapid, and, in this situation, we must react and make decisions that anticipate the new needs of the company. Innovative decisions should not only aim to improve the scope of the company but should consider the global nature of business activity. In this ultra-competitive and ever-changing global environment, innovation is the main tool to create sustainable competitive advantages that allow differentiation. Innovation becomes a fundamental process to achieve competitiveness. Innovation is the principal tool for creating sustainable competitive advantages that lead to differentiation. Innovation becomes a key process for achieving competitiveness. Meanwhile, one question remains: at what cost?


Is philosophy can save the world?

"The madness is to continue doing the same and expect different results" Albert Einstein

What do we want for the future of humanity? If the answer is the preservation of humanity or its advancement, innovation must be reconsidered. Otherwise, there is nothing to do, nothing to consider, innovations are already on the right path toward destructing humanity and the environment. If we must (re)think innovation, it is because innovation is sealed in a capitalist, hermeneutic theory, from which it must be extracted. For decades, innovation has been affected by a culture, by symbols, an environment, and an ecosystem that drown it in a way of being and behaving that reduces it to a device solely destined for economic production. This hermeneutic stops it from thinking: all it can do is act and be a tool for production. To attempt to (re)think innovation, we need to formulate ideas that are outside the box. Specifically, we need to think about innovation with fresh eyes. This will help us redesign innovation with the ultimate goal of integrating more responsibility, ethics, and humanism.


Thinking about innovation with its own methods and the standard deconstruction methodology will not suffice. For one thing, that has already been done, and for another, there is a risk that this does not allow us to be in the necessary headspace for reconstruction. It is thus indispensable to (re)think innovation using tools that are more appropriate and that differ from the way that we normally think about innovation, both with regards to engineering and management. The challenge lies in thinking about innovation, or rather, (re)thinking innovation, from a philosophical Philosophy & Strategy for Responsible Innovation – Prof. Xavier Pavie 2 perspective. Philosophy can probably come in handy given its qualities, its devices, its techniques and its experience. Unbiased, on a quest for wisdom, searching to understand and take care of the world, philosophy seems like the last resort for a better world. While sometimes it is mocked, mistrusted, caricatured, and considered overly theoretical and useless, it may prove to be the key to our future. This discipline has endured over time and is essential to understand complexity and fundamental to make us reflect on what we are doing. Its methods, theories, and expertise will prove useful for problem-solving in a world where no one listens or is listened to. The story of philosophy is one in which we look at obstacles and difficulties to understand what has happened, what is happening, and what will happen. Philosophy knows how to take a step back to question, problem-solve, and decipher the complexity so that it is intelligible for those who make an effort.


A quest for responsible innovation

“With great power comes great responsibility” Spiderman

Innovation and philosophy are at the roots of responsible innovation. The idea that responsibility/philosophy should become an integral part of all innovation processes is progressively anchoring itself in the minds of researchers and practitioners alike. The EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, Horizon 2020, has largely contributed to raising awareness about the role of responsibility in innovation and research practices, notably through various cross-disciplinary initiatives surrounding responsible research and innovation aimed at industry and academia. As a result, various definitions of the concept have emerged from these projects. Most of these, however, remain conceptual, with little consideration for the specific issues at stake in an organizational context when it comes to the innovation process. The application of responsible innovation in organizations requires a closer analysis of different structures and their corresponding innovation strategy and process. The management of the responsible innovation process involves an engagement with stakeholders and members of the general public to determine whether a potential new product or service is acceptable and thus responsible according to social, economic and environmental criteria. It is thus important, on the one hand, to consider how the structure of an organization will impact the effective deployment of a responsible innovation strategy. On the other hand, the role of the innovator requires a closer analysis to determine whether it is evolving into a role of moderator at the center of dialogue between stakeholders and members of the general public to collect the most relevant information required to make the best informed decision as regards a potential innovation’s responsibility and thus, acceptability.

- DEVH31203 Ignite your creativity: The necessity of Creativity for the Common Good


Human beings are one of the species capable of creating because they are endowed with several qualities for this: memory, projection and anticipation,
manipulation and association or even translation. This creativity has allowed humanity to be what it is today, by taking risks, imagining situations, creating
possible scenarios. Creativity is what drives us from childhood and at this stage our environment invited us to imagine in order to play, learn, work. However,
creativity is not a game, it is not a hobby or a leisure, it is the source of problem solving. And if we have a need to heighten imagination it is because we are
facing emerging issues. These issues are not necessarily new, but they can take on new forms. This is the case with environmental, political or human issues.
These three issues are certainly the most decisive for the coming decades and for which we have to call on creativity. Whether, for example, global warming for
the first, population control for the second or even so-called “transhuman” developments for the third, imagination cannot remain in observing what is unfolding, without bringing our knowledge, our techniques, our methods to imagine other possibilities than those which are proposed to us. It is in this context that creativity must be associated with innovation and more particularly responsible innovation. In other words, how creativity should lead us to more responsible proposals on a human scale. At the level of the individual, everyone needs to cultivate their creativity, to allow them new conditions of existence, an aesthetic of existence that goes beyond our simple framework : 


- DEVH31300 La responsabilité : comprendre, partager, exercer


Le terme de responsable prend sa racine dans le latin respondere signifiant « répondre de ses actes ». Dans l’espace contemporain le terme n’est pas sans recouvrir une certaine polysémie, voire une banalisation. Que signifie aujourd’hui la responsabilité, pour et envers qui, dans quelle mesure et dans quelles

limites ? Qu’est-ce qu’être responsable dans un contexte inédit de montée en puissance de la technologie et de ses conséquences, alors même que la globalisation ne cesse de s’accélérer avec différentes vues de ce qu’est la responsabilité? A partir de la philosophie, il s'agit de reprendre la notion de responsabilité à nouveau frais en se demandant de quoi elle le nom dans notre espace contemporain, et ce, tant d'un point de vue individuel que collectif.

Les objectifs du cours sont :


